Military Staff Rides

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  • Military Tours

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  • Expert & professional military historians
  • Designed for formation, Tri-Service Headquarters, career courses
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Staff Rides are designed specifically for formation, Tri-Service Headquarters, career courses and development for these courses.  

The focus is likely to be on the operational to strategic level. Anglia Tours will work closely with the Exercise Director to deliver precisely the support the Commander requires. We can assist with reading lists, pre-tour study days, supporting written material and provide contemporary maps and photographs. In addition we apply our travel expertise to deliver the complete package or simply provide one or two elements as a ‘flexible facilitator’.

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1918 Study Tour

Day 1
Introductory Study on 1918 and Operation Michael

Stand 1. Manchester Hill near Savy Actions of the 16th Manchesters on 21st March. Revised British defensive doctrine and its uses; German attack, use of storm troops; being surrounded, moral vs physical effects. Stand 2. Pargny Actions of the 1st Worcesters on 23rd March – defence of a river line, counter attack, liaison, mutual support, control of demolitions. Stand 3. Erches-Andecy Actions of the 36th Ulster Division 26th – 27th March. Maintenance of momentum, counter attack, the role and position of commanders, the moral component. Stand 4. Villers Bretonneux The German attack halted, the first tank versus tank engagement in history

Day 2
The Battle of Amiens

Introductory talk on The Battle of Amiens Stands 1 and 2. Australian cemetery and Memorial north of Villers Bretonneux The Australian corps on 8th August 1918. Allarms cooperation, communication, recce pull and the dangers of questing for certainty versus risk taking. Stand 3. Chipilly Spur III British Corps on the Somme on 8th August. Vital ground and key terrain, fighting in woods. Stand 4. Hangard Wood The Canadian Corps on 8th August 1918. Deception, all-arms cooperation, the use of elite formations. Stand 5. Le Quesnel Exploitation – the Cavalry Corps’ breakout.  Stand 6. Le Quesnel cemetery Conclusion of operations on 11th August.

Day 3
Mont St Quentin and the Breaking of the Hindenburg Line

Stand 1. Mont St Quentin The Australian Corps 31st August to 1st September 1918. Preparations and orientation. Defence of an obstacle, obstacle crossing, battle procedure. Stand 2. Mont St Quentin The Australian Corps 31st August to 1st September 1918. The attack: concentration of force, firepower and counter-attack. Stand 3. Start Line for the attack by the 46th Division The assault plan and orientation of the 46th Division from the forward positions captured by the Australians. Battlefield walk. Stand 4. Forward German Defensive line The break-in.  Stand 5. Riqueval Bridge The 6th South Staffords crossing the canal and seizing the bridge; remaining German bunkers on the eastern end of the bridge.

Salerno & Monte Cassino

Day 1

Stand 1.1 Green/Yellow Beach – Allied Assault landing – focus on 36th Texas Division. Topic - Naval Gun Fires in Littoral operations Stand 1.2 Paestum Station – Immediate counter Attack by the German panzers. Topic – Preparing soldiers for battle Stand 1.3 Pt 338 German Anchor OP – German Counter attacks

Day 2

Stand 2.1 Burnt Bridge – Checking of the German counter attack by US Artillery. Topic - Soldier first – tradesman second Stand 2.2 Defence of the Tobacco Factory – 45th US Infantry Division. Topic – Principles of defence Stand 2.3a Montecorvina Airfield - Capture of the Airfield by the Guards. Stand 2.3b Salerno CWGC Cemetery - Topic – The Salerno Mutiny Stand 2.4 Monte Camino - The attacks and capture of the Mountain by 56th London Division. Topic The lessons learned process Stand 2.5 Monte Lungo – Italian commemorative site and equipment Italian Mobile Brigade Memorial. Topic - Equipment  Stand 2.6 Monte Trocchio loca

Day 3

Stand 3.1 36th Texas Divisions on the Garigliano 1st Battle of Cassino - The failed attempts to break into the Liri valley. Topic – Surprise Stand 3.2 34th Bull’s Head Division 1st Battle of Cassino (continued) – Forcing the Rapido and into the mountains. Topic – Reserves and in theatre replacements Stand 3.3 Caira German Cemetery - The Gustav Line a German perspective Stand 3.4 2nd Battle of Cassino - Attack on the Railway Station by 28th Maori Battalion. Topic – How could the Div and Corps artilleries have helped today? Stand 3.6 Cassino Town - Walk New Zealanders during the 3rd Battle of Cassino. Topic – Urban operations today Stand 3.7 The Botanic Gardens 2RF in defence between the 3rd and 4th Battles. Topic - Morale 

Day 4

Stand 4.1 Castle Hill - 2nd Battle of Cassino Capture and defence of the Castle. Topic - Human factors – fit to fight - Effect of the climate on individuals Stand 4.2 Hangman’s Hill – Ghurkhas and the Essex out on a limb. Stand 4.3 The Polish Cemetery- The bombing of the monastery. Topic – Cultural sensitivity Stand 4.4 Cassino Monastery - Monastery Visit Stand 4.5 Walk to Snake’s Head 1 Sussex’s Attack & 2nd Battle of Cassino 4th Indian Division. Topic – Artillery support how would we do it? Stand 4.6 Pt 593 - Polish Memorial. Topic - Allies Stand 4.6 Albaneta Farm The armoured attack by C Squadron, 20th New Zealand Armd Bn. Topic – How could this attack have been made successful? Stand 4.7 Polish Tank Memorial - The attack by Polish Corps – 4th Battle Walk down Cavandish Road to Caira

Day 5

Stand 5.1 Liri Valley - 4th Battle of Cassino – Overview – Operation Diadem. Topic – Defence in Depth Stand 5.2 Amazon Bridge - Crossing the River Rapido/Gari by 4th Infantry Division. Topic – Concentration of effort Stand 5.3 Liri Valley The Brown Line - Exploitation by 4th Division and passage of lines. Topic – Politics and Battle Stand 5.3 Cassino War Cemetery and Memorial - Act of Commemoration Stand 5.5 Breaking the Hitler/Senger Line The Allies break out from the Liri Valley

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This is a very short note to say thank you for such a well-organised trip: both on the ground and behind-the-scenes! All involved had an excellent few days and it was entirely down to the professionalism of everyone I have encountered who works for Anglia Tours that this was the case.
HMS Northumberland
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